Welcome to Our Muslim Baby Names Database

Islamic Boy Baby Names: Meaningful Names and Their Meanings for Muslim Boys

Browse our extensive collection of unique and beautiful Muslim boy baby names. Discover a comprehensive list of names, ranging from traditional to modern choices. Whether you're looking for a name deeply rooted in Islamic heritage or seeking a name with a special meaning, we have options to inspire you. This pagination displays names 1651 to 1675 allowing you to explore a diverse range of possibilities and find the perfect name for your precious little one.

One who helps.

Defender of the religion (Islam)

Defender of Islam, Naseer (Defender), al (the), Islam

Defender of the state, Naseer (Defender), al (the), Dolah (state)

Assister, Friend, Protector

Growing up, youth

Joy, Cheer.

Energetic, dynamic, lively, fresh, vigorous.

One who mentions and praises another person. It also means one who recites poetry.


Half part, Head cover

Helper, Assistant

One who scatters,Exposer,Announcer, One who publishes.

Energetic, active.

Victory from Allah

Exultant, elated

Noble, relative

Most just, equitable.

Advisor, counselor

Counselor of the religion (Islam).

Soft wind, Soul, Sweat

Pious. Devotee.

Nasikh is an Arabic name for boys that means copyist, clerk. It also means changer, editor, blotter, a person who makes changes to a text.

Fresh air

Breeze of the religion (Islam).

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