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Muslim Girl Names Starting with G: Meaningful Islamic Names for Baby Girls

Explore a wide range of Muslim girl names starting with the letter G. Discover meaningful choices rooted in Islamic heritage, each with unique meanings and cultural significance. Find the perfect name that embodies your values and faith, creating a beautiful identity for your baby girl. Showing 1 to 28 of 28 names

Intelligent, charming





Fragrant, beloved, valuable.

Dear, beloved, fragrant, expensive

Spoils, booty.


Pretty girl, beautiful woman, beauty


Strange, foreign.

Young and delicate.

Young and delicate

Flirt, words of love

Female gazelle

Female Warrior.

She was a narrator of hadith.

From gazzalle.

This was the name of a very pious woman who kept vigil in the night.

Forgiveness, pardon

Her kuniyah was Umm Sulaym; she was a front-rank companion (R.A) and narrated ahadith; she died in the times of Sayyidina Uthman (R.A).


Branches of a tree

Branches of a tree

She was a narrator of hadith.


Sweet-smelling rose.

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